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22TH January 2019

How to wear your perfume?


Who wouldn’t love to smell good? But sometimes your favourite fragrance wears off even before you recognise it. Are you tired of trying out different fragrances to solve this problem? Then, it is time to discover the underlying issue. More than using lasting fragrances, there is something about how you are wearing it. The way you put on the perfume determines its real quality.


Who wouldn’t love to smell good? But sometimes your favourite fragrance wears off even before you recognise it. Are you tired of trying out different fragrances to solve this problem? Then, it is time to discover the underlying issue. More than using lasting fragrances, there is something about how you are wearing it. The way you put on the perfume determines its real quality.

If you are aiming at long-lasting fragrance, apply your perfume right after taking a shower. The body is clean, moisturised and the pores are open during this time. You can also make the skin moisturised and wear perfume. Both of these methods promise the same result.

RT Fragrances offers a variety of long-lasting perfumes to create easy and practical solutions for this problem. Our expert team brings your dream fragrances into life with exclusive lasting properties. The rare combination of pure ingredients and continuous care gives birth to our masterpiece collection of long-lasting perfumes. Clear Extreme, Suwas Red, Oud Mubahar and many more are there in this list.

What is the major mistake one makes when wearing perfume? This is quite common! Many people use perfume on clothes because they are suspicious about applying directly to the body. Don’t worry, your skin is a great recipient and it holds the fragrance for a longer time. Neck, wrists, inner elbows and back of knees are the special points for perfumes. These points heat up easily and react with the perfume to release the fragrance. One more tip, never shake your perfume before you use it.

The best way to smell great all day is not just the right application, but its storage too. In other words, where you keep the perfume helps to retain the quality of smell. Sunlight is the most dangerous enemy of perfumes. Therefore, keep perfume bottles in cool places or closed areas. Never store perfumes in bathrooms. The fluctuating temperature in the bathroom affects its composition and breaks down the compounds. As a result, the fragrance undergoes extreme changes. Follow these simple tips and stay fresh.

In the modern world, gift options are plenty. From phones to lipsticks, the trail of gifts is endless. But, have you ever thought of a universal gift? If you are curious to know, you have landed at the right place. Well, this special gift is undoubtedly perfume. Why perfume remains as the best option even after years?